Boris Grebenshikov // BG+ "Square Root of the Sun” and the best “Aquarium" songs of all times

Sun Apr 6 2025

9:00 PM (Doors 8:00 PM)

Sony Hall

235 W 46th St New York, NY 10036

Ages 21+

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Boris Grebenshikov // BG+ "Square Root of the Sun” and the best “Aquarium" songs of all times

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  • Boris Grebenshchikov

    Boris Grebenshchikov


    Bilingual mathematician Boris Grebenshikov has also been known in the West since 1986, when his band Aquarium was featured on the U.S. release of “Red Wave”, the first compilation of rock music from St Petersburg. Three years later, MTV audiences could see him on video clips, singing in English, and he was likened to a “Russian Bob Dylan, David Bowie or Marc Bolan” depending on the critics. Every Western journalist was trying to find an equivalent to the multiform talent of Boris, who had signed with CBS/Columbia.

    Boris Grebenshikov was not the first Soviet citizen seduced by rock and roll even though this music style, which communist ideologists considered as a sort of bourgeois perversion, was not to be found in record shops. He was not the first one singing rock in Russian or wearing long hair and faded jeans. But he was the first to fully pass on the whole Western spirit of his time. BG really is The Godfather of Russian rock. But he is also The Godfather of Russian reggae. And…he invented Russian Celtic music as well! He assimilated cultures from around the world and adapted them for present-day Russian-speakers. If he was discovering the outside world during the Soviet Eighties, when it was impossible to actually set foot across the Iron Curtain, the Capitalist Nineties were the years when he “discovered his own country” as he now says, visiting just about every Russian city and small town that had a concert venue. The “endless tour” that he undertook right after Russia became independent from the Soviet Union and that he still pursues today– have proved another inexhaustible source of inspiration for his songs.

  • BG+



    The BG+ line-up:
    Boris Grebenshikov – voice, guitar
    Konstantin Tumanov – accordion, keyboards
    Alexander Titov – bass
    Liam Bradley – drums, percussion
    Brian Finnegan – flute
    Andrey Surotdinov – violin
    Gleb Grebenshikov – percussion

    BG+ started its activity in March 2022, and each concert became another statement against the war in Ukraine. In addition to songs from the new album, at the upcoming concerts Grebenshchikov and BG+ will perform the most beloved songs of the legendary “Aquarium”. For a full schedule of concerts visit