Four to five short pieces of 25 minutes or less
The shows will be re-listed her in performance order by noon on Tuesday of the week they perform.
Semantics, by Danny Strack.
Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, with additional original text and performed by Alex Garza. In this gripping tale of loss and consequence, Hamlet deals with the sinister circumstances surrounding the death of the king, his father, while at the same time attempting to reconcile a strong resentment towards his mother. In coming to terms with the romantic feelings for the men in his life, he also must face the difficulty of his relationship with Ophelia. In this solo performance, Alex Garza mixes Shakespeare's classic script with original text.
Cuentos Desde Comal is a storytelling/monologue project from Comal Street Theater. Anya Carreon-Reyes, Veronica Castillo-Perez, and Rupert Reyes have written and perform their stories based on personal experience about race and how it has impacted their lives. In this day and age, we must memorialize these stories in order to create change, because we see them as being extremely relevant.1.5 Korean: Reissued, a two-person sketch comedy show created and performed by Arthur Stanley Chong and Pamela L Paek. 1.5 Korean returns with new takes on how we codeswitch, tamp down, or amp up our Koreanness and who we are. Interested in the impetus behind K-beauty, K-pop, white noise, and white gay nonsense? We got answers.
Untitled TBA, by Nathan Markiewicz. Short verbatim play.
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