Leftover Salmon w/ Sicard Hollow

Sat Apr 26 2025

7:30 PM (Doors 6:30 PM)

Atomic Pavilion

4140 Manchester Ave St. Louis, MO 63110

$33.00 - $50.00

Ages 21+

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Jamo Presents:

Leftover Salmon
w/ Sicard Hollow
at Atomic Pavilion 

Saturday April 26, 2025
Doors 6:30PM, Music 7:30 PM

Leftover Salmon: 

Few bands stick around for thirty years. Even fewer bands leave a legacy during that timethat marks them as a truly special, once-in-lifetime type band. And no band has done allthat and had as much fun as Leftover Salmon.

Since their earliest days as a forward thinking, progressive bluegrass band who had theguts to add drums to the mix and who was unafraid to stir in any number of highlycombustible styles into their ever evolving sound, to their role as a pioneer of the modernjamband scene, to their current status as elder-statesmen of the scene who cast a hugeinfluential shadow over every festival they play, Leftover Salmon has been a crucial link inkeeping alive the traditional music of the past while at the same timepushing that soundforward with their own weirdly, unique style.

The band now features a lineup that has been together longer than any other in Salmonhistory and is one of the strongest the legendary band has ever assembled. Built aroundthe core of founding members Drew Emmitt and Vince Herman, the band is now poweredby banjo-wizAndy Thorn anddriven by the steady rhythm section of bassist Greg Garrison,drummer Alwyn Robinson, and dobro player & keyboardist Jay Starling.

The current lineup is continuing the long, storied history of Salmon which found them firstemerging from the progressive bluegrass world and coming of age as one the original jambands, before rising to become architects of what has become known as Jamgrass andhelping to create a landscape where bands schooled in the traditional rules of bluegrasscan break free of those bonds through nontraditional instrumentation and an innate abilityto push songs in new psychedelic directions live.

Salmon is a band who for more than thirty years has never stood still; they are constantlychanging, evolving, and inspiring. If someone wanted to understand what Americana musicis they could do no better than to go to a Leftover Salmon show, where they eQortlesslyglide from a bluegrass number born on the front porch, to the down-and-dirty Cajunswamps with a stop on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, to the hallowed halls of the Rymanin Nashville, before firing one up in the mountains of Colorado.

Leftover Salmon w/ Sicard Hollow

Select Tickets

limit 10 per person

GA+ [Early Access]


Delivery Method

Will Call

Terms & Conditions

This event is 21 and over. Any ticket holder unable to present valid identification indicating that they are at least 21 years of age will not be admitted to this event, and will not be eligible for a refund.