Mo Lowda and the Humble

Sat Oct 18 2025

7:00 PM

SLO Brew Rock

855 Aerovista Place San Luis Obispo, CA 93401


Ages 18+

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Mo Lowda 2025 Updated BioMo Lowda & the Humble are a self-produced indie rock band hailing from Philadelphia.The band is set to released their 5th studio album on June 20th, 2025, entitled: Tailingthe Ghost. Since releasing their debut album in 2013, they’ve vastly expanded the sonicexploration of their recorded material whilst developing a dialed-in, yet energetic liveshow through persistent touring. In turn, they’ve built a ravenous and loyal followingacross the country, selling out clubs and theaters throughout the US each year. 'Tailingthe Ghost' was recorded entirely on the road, with the majority of the songs being cutalmost entirely live. It is Mo Lowda's most cohesive, yet explorative album to date. Theband tours year around, often playing over 90 shows a year.

Mo Lowda and the Humble

Select Tickets

limit 10 per person

$27.21 ($20.00 + $7.21 fees)

Delivery Method

Will Call

Terms & Conditions

This event is 18 and over. Any ticket holder unable to present valid identification indicating that they are at least 18 years of age will not be admitted to this event, and will not be eligible for a refund.